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Chandler's Ford Infant School

2022-2023 Talking to children about Art

Art week 2023 talking to children about art

Uploaded by Emma Clode on 2023-06-04.

This year at Chandler's Ford Infant school our Art week will be focusing on the skill of talking to children about art. We will be drawing on the work of Francoise Barbe-Gall who has written about this very subject area. This year teachers and learners alike will be taught how to "enter" a picture and express their intuition, imagination and analytical minds about what it is communicating. 


This work will is linked to our third Art Intent Statement which is....

A Chandler’s Ford Artist:

3. Appreciates how art, craft and design has shaped history and contributed to our rich and diverse cultural heritage.


We will be using our Eco-school's focus of "Marine" to direct which art work we look at and the work that we produce during the week will be displayed at a children's Climate Conference in Winchester on 14th July 2023. 


Staff Training on "Talking to Children about Art"
