Starting School in September 2025 visit our Starting School in September 2025 page to book a tour
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Chandler's Ford Infant School

Home Learning

  • Children should complete at least 20 points worth of home learning. They can record their activities in their home learning book.
  • They must complete at least one activity from each aspect of learning. Please shade in the projects that you have undertaken this half-term.
  • Photographs of practical projects are welcomed and can be incorporated into their book if you wish to do so.
  • Please read for at least 15 minutes each day and sign in the Reading Journal. How soon can you earn a reading badge?
  • Remember, the children can change their Love to Read books at any time. These books have a bird sticker on.
  • Learn to Read books are given out on a Friday and collected again on a Monday so try to read this book at the weekend.
  • Don’t forget to keep practising your letter formation. 


We love looking at the children's home learning and we give out lots of team points for completed homework. It is really lovely to see how proud the children are when they can share their work. 


Happy Home Learning!
