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Chandler's Ford Infant School

Active Travel Week (Wheels)

Active Travel Week - 3 to 7 October 2022

Well done parents and children! Wow, there was a fabulous turn-out of wheels this week.

On Wednesday at Active Travel Breakfast, all the children that scooted or cycled were invited to breakfast with Miss Holmes. Bike-It John was on hand to present badges.

Friday, was a 'Bling your Ride' competition. The children paraded their blinged bikes and scooters for the judges in the Year 1 playground. Mrs Strong got carried away with the bike horn! Despite the hooting, Miss Holmes and Bike-It John were busy concentrating on judging the bling. The winners will be presented with a prize at Crown Assembly.

We have been super impressed with the effort to get on your wheels this week. Next up is Walktober! 
