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Chandler's Ford Infant School

Easter bonnet parade

Today we celebrated the end of term with a fantastic Easter Bonnet parade.

All the children processed around the whole school, wearing their lovely Easter Bonnets for the parents and carers to see. Thank you all for the effort put into creating such super bonnets, and those present for your amazing support today. The clapping and encouragment made for a fun, joyful atmosphere. We tried to photo as many of the children as possible and have uploaded these below.


Following the parade, the whole school gathered on the school field to hear the children sing Easter songs. Year 2 did an amazing job singing 'Easter Jubilation' despite the technical sound difficulties. Year R sang 'find a little seed' and Year 1 'Spring chicken'. Well done children.


The proceedings ended with the children wishing everyone a 'Happy Easter'.


Enjoy your Easter holidays!
