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Chandler's Ford Infant School

Remembering Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

Following the sad news of the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II on Thursday 8 September 2022, the Year 1 and 2 children held an assembly on Monday this week, to talk about Queen Elizabeth II and to remember what a special monarch and lady she was. The children had remembered so much about her from the Platinum Jubilee celebrations last term.


Today, we are marking her passing in a positive way for the children. All children in school have planted a daffodil bulb in the school grounds. We look forward to a beautiful daffodil display in the Spring which will help us to enjoy, reflect and remember Queen Elizabeth II, and that there is a lot to be happy about.


The school is closed on Monday 19 September for the additional bank holiday on the day of the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II.


We are encouraging parents and carers to take your child for a walk this weekend and to choose a pebble, which can be decorated at home and then brought into school on Tuesday 20 September. We will help the children to place the pebble in the borders near to where they planted their bulb. Don't worry if you are not able to do this, as the teachers will also place little 'class markers' as well.
