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Chandler's Ford Infant School

Relationships and Health Education Leader: Mrs York, Ms Holmes

At Chandler’s Ford Infant School our Mission Statement and Vision is deeply based upon Relationships and Health Education. We believe that every child should experience enjoyment and achievement in their education. We are committed to providing a safe, healthy environment based on mutual trust, respect, honesty and equality. We seek to develop confident, independent, creative thinkers who are prepared for their future steps in school life as well as in the wider community. Every member of the whole school community is committed to developing confident, responsible, caring and enquiring individuals who are well prepared for life in modern Britain.


The new Relationships and Health Education (RHE) curriculum supports the children’s understanding of how they develop physically, emotionally and morally.  It gives children the opportunities to clarify their own values and attitudes, as well as exploring and respecting the attitudes and values of others.


RHE is taught through dedicated weekly lessons which encompass PSHE, SMSC, British values, citizenship and mental health and well-being.  The themes and objectives are also revisited in science, ICT and PE through cross-curricular links. The focus for our whole school and year group assemblies follows the themes of the RHE curriculum and circle times are also used in class for discussions.


At Chandler’s Ford Infant School RHE is taught through six core themes:

  1. Me and my relationships
  2. Valuing difference
  3. Keeping myself safe
  4. Rights and responsibilities
  5. Being my best
  6. Growing and changing


RHE is delivered through a series of engaging lessons using SCARF (Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience and Friendship) the Coram Life Education resources. The same themes are taught each year and this spiral curriculum ensures that there is a progression of skills and children are learning about relationships, as well as the emotional, social and physical aspects of growing up in an age appropriate way. Children are learning to make healthy decisions and keep themselves and others safe.


Should you have any further questions, please feel free to come and discuss them with us.

Curriculum overview, progression of skills and assessment grids
