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Chandler's Ford Infant School


Children With Special Educational Needs and Disabilities


SEND Information Report

The SENCo has prepared our school's SEN Information Report in collaboration with parents and Governors in accordance with Hampshire's Guidance for their "Local Offer". The legislation became statutory in August 2014.


All children's needs are catered for in our inclusive environment, be they physical, intellectual or emotional. We follow the National Code of Practice for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities and have a SENCO and Learning Support Assistants to work with children and parents. Children who are currently working at a higher level of attainment are offered enrichment and extension activities, depending on their need.  


SEND Provision

Our Inclusion Manager (SENCo) Lisa Holmes, takes day to day responsibility for the provision made to individual children with SEND, working closely with staff, parents and carers, and other agencies.


In 2019, Ofsted reported 'Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) make strong progress. They have similar tasks to the rest of the class, adapted to match their needs.'

"The school provides a settled environment where pupils feel safe to learn and play."


In 2021, our Leading Learning Partner reported 'The support for pupils with Special Educational Need (SEN) and other vulnerable 

pupils is well structuredÍž informal contact with parents has been constructive in 

ensuring the emotional and learning needs are being addressed within the challenging context of the pandemic. Almost all of the more vulnerable pupils are in 



Inclusion leaders are well informed and proactive in ensuring disadvantaged pupils are well supported and challenged.'


Within school, support programmes are in place for children with varying needs (waves of intervention). These include fine and gross motor skills development, Speech and Language Therapy (SALT), and Phonics & Maths booster sessions for Year 1 & 2 pupils. 


Best practice is where support is put in place within classrooms, in a small group with a trained adult, however we recognise that some provision is best provided on an individual or paired basis.


Pupils with SEND are targeted according to their individual needs and Learning Passports, (Individual Education Plans) are in place to monitor small steps of progress. Learning Passports are made with the child and with the teacher and parents agreeing on individual targets to work on. They are reviewed at least half termly and parents will receive a copy. 


The school works closely with outside agencies to support pupils as required, such as Occupational Therapists, Speech and Language Therapists, Educational Psychologist, School Nurse. 


Collaboration with parents is very valuable to us. Where pupils are included in a support programme, parents are informed by letter from the Inclusion Manager, personally by the class teacher or at parent consultations through the child’s Learning Passport. Parents can discuss their child’s progress with their class teacher, or alternatively arrange a meeting with the Inclusion Manager.


The school keeps a register of pupils with additional need which is updated half termly. This is called the SEND register. 


Our Governing Body has important statutory duties towards pupils with SEND. The governing body assists in the development and monitoring of the school’s policy and strategy for SEND.

The SEN Information Report
