All visitors are required to sign in at the front desk.
All volunteers and visitors will be DBS checked. Visitors will not be allowed, unaccompanied, on site without a valid DBS.
Visitors are asked to wear a Chandler's Ford Infant School lanyard at all times. These are colour-coded to ensure that we know which visitors are on site.
An information leaflet is available for all visitors to take and includes key safeguarding information as well as Health and Safety.
Visitors are asked to leave their mobile phones in the office area while they are working in the school.
All volunteers complete an application from before starting and this includes two references.
The volunteer handbook includes information relevant to safeguarding and confidentiality and all parents volunteering for a school trip have a meeting with the trip leader which outlines safeguarding arrangements for the day.
Posters near the school office and in other parts of the school indicate to volunteers how they can make a referral of concerns independently.
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