Starting School in September 2025 visit our Starting School in September 2025 page to book a tour
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Chandler's Ford Infant School

Useful Links

We hope you will find the links below useful.


The school immunisation team will be visit the school in the autumn term to administer the nasal flu immunisation.


Covid symptoms flow chart


Barnardo’s ‘See, Hear, Respond’ service

See, Hear, Respond is a service provided across England by Barnardo’s and other national and local community-based organisations in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.

See, Hear, Respond, provides support to children, young people and their families who aren’t currently seeing a social worker or other agency, and who are struggling to cope with the emotional impacts of coronavirus (COVID-19). See, Hear, Respond will support from pre-birth up to 18 years of age and those with special educational needs under the age of 25.

See, Hear, Respond will contact every referral made, so no child is missed. Help is available in one or more of four ways:

  • an online hub of support and information
  • online counselling and therapy
  • face-to-face support for those most affected and at risk of some of today’s most pertinent issues, such as criminal exploitation, and
  • helping children and young people reintegrate back into school

You can access via the ‘See, Hear, Respond’ service self-referral webpage or Freephone 0800 151 7015.
