Congratulations to parents and pupils for an amazing Hoop-A-Thon competiton this year. The staff recorded personal hula-hooping bests for all the pupils at the start of the event, in the week before Spring half-term. There has been time at break-time, lunch-time and during PE lessons for the children to practise their hula-hooping. At the end of the week following half-term, new personal best scores were taken. The results were announed in Crown Assembly last week and all the children were issued with a certificate. As a school we were also aspiring to reach a total of 3000 rotations. The final total of pupil personal bests by class were Acorn - 220, Conker - 251, Apple - 368, Cherry - 570, Cedar - 635 and Beech - 2452! We smashed our 3000 total and all the children improved their scores and many are very accomplished hula-hoopers. Thank you parents and your family and friends for sponsoring the children. All monies raised are supporting a new dipping pond in the gardening area of school.